Microsoft QDK vs IBM Qiskit for Quantum Programming

August 24, 2021

Microsoft QDK vs IBM Qiskit for Quantum Programming

Quantum programming is gaining traction as the world moves towards quantum computing. Developers need powerful and user-friendly tools to leverage quantum computing to solve complex computational problems. Microsoft and IBM are two companies at the forefront of quantum computing. They have developed quantum development kits – Microsoft QDK and IBM Qiskit – which have features for quantum programming.

In this blog post, we'll compare Microsoft QDK and IBM Qiskit to help you make an informed decision about which platform to use for your quantum programming.

Ease of Use

Microsoft QDK has an integrated development environment (IDE) called Visual Studio, which provides a user-friendly interface for quantum programming. The Q# programming language provides high-level constructs to abstract the underlying quantum hardware. Microsoft QDK also comes with libraries that make it easy to perform quantum simulations.

IBM Qiskit, on the other hand, has a more complex interface that requires knowledge of Python. While it offers a rich set of libraries for quantum programming, it lacks an IDE.

Winner: Microsoft QDK.

Quantum Circuit Simulation

Quantum circuit simulation is essential to validate quantum algorithms before running them on quantum hardware. Microsoft QDK has a built-in quantum circuit simulator called the Quantum Simulator that can simulate circuits up to 30 qubits. It can be easily used within Visual Studio or accessed programmatically.

IBM Qiskit also has a circuit simulator called the Aer Simulator. The Aer Simulator is a powerful and efficient simulator that can simulate circuits up to 60 qubits. Like the Quantum Simulator, it can be accessed programmatically for simulations.

Winner: IBM Qiskit

Quantum Hardware Integration

Quantum hardware is at the heart of quantum computing. Microsoft QDK has integrations with quantum hardware via the Azure Quantum service. Azure Quantum offers access to a broad range of quantum computing resources, such as quantum simulators and quantum annealers.

IBM Qiskit provides access to IBM's quantum hardware through their Quantum Experience. With IBM Qiskit, you can access IBM's quantum processors and quantum simulators for free.

Winner: Tied.

Open Source

IBM Qiskit is part of the open-source community, and the source code is available on GitHub. Anyone can contribute to the codebase for IBM Qiskit. This has fostered a strong community of developers and amassment of online resources.

Microsoft QDK is also open-source, albeit under a more restrictive license. The QDK source code is available on GitHub and can be freely used for noncommercial purposes.

Winner: IBM Qiskit


Documentation is essential for easy adoption of a platform. IBM Qiskit has excellent documentation, with tutorials, sample code, and API documentation available on their website, making it easy to learn.

Microsoft QDK has MSDOCS, an excellent resource for documentation on Q# programming, algorithms, and tools.

Winner: Tied.


Both Microsoft QDK and IBM Qiskit offer powerful tools for quantum programming. Microsoft QDK has a more user-friendly interface and easy access to quantum simulators. IBM Qiskit, on the other hand, provides a more extensive set of libraries and is open source.

In conclusion, the choice between Microsoft QDK and IBM Qiskit depends on individual preferences and requirements. We recommend that you try both and choose the platform that best suits your needs.


  1. Microsoft QDK

  2. IBM Qiskit

  3. Azure Quantum

  4. IBM Quantum Experience

  5. Q# Standard Libraries

  6. Qiskit Terra

  7. Qiskit Reference Guide

  8. A Qiskit Tutorial: Quantum Teleportation

  9. Quantum Encyclopedia: QDK vs Qiskit

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